Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The benefits of breastfeeding

Wah.. Minggu ni adalah minggu Breastfeeding.
Tahniah para penyusu badan. kaum ibu la.
Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)
Jadi mari kita tengok apa benefit dari penyusuan bayi ini ke atas Si ibu dan anak.

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  
One reason to breastfeed your baby is that it helps to encourage bonding and this has been found to have an important impact on their development later on. Released prolactin calms both mother and baby, endorphins will comfort a baby and oxytocin released promotes bonding and maternal instinct.

 Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  
Breast milk provides all the relevant and important nutrients that a baby needs in the first few months of life. The added nutrients in breast milk help to boost cognitive development, encourage growth and progress.

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  
Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of becoming obese, as a protein in breast milk affects how the body stores fat. Babies who are breastfed will regulate how much they consume, whereas a bottle fed baby will be encouraged to finish the bottle. This can cause them to overeat when they are older as eating patterns are learnt early on and they can lose touch with instinctive hunger signals.

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  

Breastfeeding is advised in the first six months to a year of a baby's life to help strengthen their immune system so they can fight off certain illnesses. Babies that are fed on breast milk are less likely to be sickly as the milk contains certain immunities and antibodies that help to protect them.

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  
reast milk also contains a fatty acid called DHA which encourages the baby's eyes to develop healthily. It also helps to support health brain development and protects the heart and the nervous system.

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty) 
Mothers who breastfeed their babies are also benefiting from it too, as they reduce their risk of breast and ovarian cancer at later stages in life. Breastfeeding will also help a new mother to lose the pre baby weight she gained during pregnancy. 

Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty) 
Breastfeeding has also been found to help a baby's jaw and teeth to develop straight, as they constantly use the muscles for sucking in comparison to bottle fed babies. Breastfeeding a baby will also reduce the risk of tongue thrust problems which can affect speech and gum disease.
Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty)  
Studies have also found that women who formula feed their babies rather than breastfeed, are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis later in life. Breast milk will also strengthen a babies' bones more than formula milk.
Both mother and baby can benefit from breastfeeding. (© Getty) 
Some mothers develop gestational diabetes while they are pregnant. Breastfeeding can help ensure that this doesn't develop into Type 1 or 2 diabetes. This is because a new mother, who had gestational diabetes while pregnant, who breastfeeds their baby will have lower blood sugar levels and won't need as much insulin.


  1. bangga sebab pernah jadi mcm ni dulu selama 1 thn setengah dan 2 thn sepenuh nyer :)

  2. alhamdulillah sy bf smpai anak umur 2thn setengah... anak pun manja ngan sy...

  3. sbb itu pengeluar susu tak boleh kata susu mereka yg terbaik sbb mereka tak boleh challenge susu ibu.

    cuba check kat packaging mana2 susu...ttp akan encourage breastfeeding:)

  4. thumbs up!!!! up to now i'm still breastfeeding my 1year+ son...hopefully, it will lasted until he is 2 yrs old....

  5. mmg rugi la kalu pompuan yg abaikan BF semata2 nk jg bentuk badan

  6. Alhamdulillah i dulu berjaya juga breastfeed sampai anak umor 6 bulan....

  7. tq share & tq juga atas doa & support, sgt2 KA hargai saat2 mcm ni

  8. alhamdulillah dpt gak breastfeed nureen smpai umur 2 thn although sulam2 ngan susu formula..:-)

  9. susu ibu adalah yg terbaik untuk anak2..
    tapi ank2 sy nyusu tak lama pun...tak sampai setahun dorang da takmo lagi...so da campur mnum botol plak...

  10. owh..ni pun ada minggu dia ye?? saya baru tau ni

  11. syukur alhamdulillah berjayer susukan anak2 hampir @ 2 thn.... & ader anak susuan lagi... nikmat itu hanyer kiter yg tahu kan? :)

  12. skroll gak ke bawah..lagi dan lagi..kot2 last2 ada gambar T pulak yg tgh menyusu alisya, hahaha...jangan marah!!!
