Monday, July 20, 2009

Youth Park, Penang

walk and jogging area
View of the park landscape..

View of the child swimming pool..

landscape of baby waterfall..
19/07/2009 I went to Penang Youth Park together with gieyana's familly. On Friday we plan that I cook a few dish and some of her. So at around 1:00 pm we met at the sit near to the child swimming pool. enjoy.. our food while my son swim in the pool. for gieyana and familly love to met you all and hope we can plan to other place togeteher. Just a nice picnic and tied up of our relationship..


  1. hola...really enjoy d'food..we together2 chatting & gossip about schooling time...kahhh! geng iblis coreng n owg bulu..hampehhhh depa suma tue!huhu....
    Although mood Nureen x stabil tp..mmg enjoy...

    ~ ur Curry really maveles..ada letak ganja tak psl aku mmg still terbayang2 kesedapannya...hahaha:D

  2. Tu la, ntah bila dah tua cam ni, bulu pun hilang terus... mana la bulu aku yang lebat dulu tu ek..

    Kalau pasal curry tu, biasa ja. bukan setakat ganja ja aku letak... nak tau gak ka? Daun Ketum, morfin,estacy dan segalanya yg sewaktu dengannya lah...

  3. salam...thanks visit blog kite....slm pkenalan kembali....

    owhhh sahabat lama gie la ek....duk png nnti bleh gather2 sekali ye..

  4. yezzer... wantie ni kawan gieyana masa sekolah dulu.. seronoklah jumpa balik ngan dia. Meroyan habis..

  5. Dasat hang..mcm2 hg tibai masuk dlm curry hg yer..kekeke...

    ~ mmg meroyan pon jumpa hang..terbahak2 aku dbuatnyer...especially citer ko tang driving school tue...

    ~ Wei..laki aku kata..laki hg ramah benor!hahahah

  6. ye ker.. tak sangka la pulak. kot kot kimia dorang tu sesuai kot. Kebanyakkan kata laki aku pendiam.
    Hmm.. dah ubah paradigma la ni.Tapi laki aku dok gelak tang silap orang tu.. kih kih kih..
    Dok lam keta pun gelak lagi..
